"YOU! Put that daemonette down and get me my coffee!"
12 September 2023
2 January 2023
My Top 12 of 2022
It's that time of the year again, so fire up Paul Hardcastle's The Wizard and read on!
8 December 2022
3 June 2022
Monster May(hem): Possessed Chaos Dreadnought
31 May 2022
Monster May(hem): Keeper of Secrets
There's nothing like spending a humid Saturday morning scraping dried glue off a Chaos daemon. At least I'm assuming it's dried glue. This is, after all, a Slaanesh daemon.
27 May 2022
Monster May(hem): Chaos Renegade Slaanesh Rider
Another Monster May(hem) post, another chance to get an older mini out of the Magical Box of Unloved Lead and painted up. Yay!
21 May 2022
Monster May(hem): Chaos Dragon Ogre
Although I was never into Warhammer Fantasy Battle back in the day, I always liked seeing the figures in 'Eavy Metal and the dragon ogre was one that stood out as being pretty cool. So when I spotted one for sale on Ebay in October 2020 — or as I like to think of it, "that time when I had money" — I snapped it up. I think it's either a second or third edition model. I did see a classic first-edition one but it was priced at over $100, so yeah but no.
15 April 2022
Masque of the Killing Joke
In case either of you were wondering why my output has dropped this month, meet the reason why. Oh, and you might recognise a couple of these chaps.
8 April 2022
10 March 2022
9 March 2022
Chaos Renegades 2
Two more twisted creatures crawl out of the Warp to spread mayhem and terror across the galaxy. But enough about the dogs, let's talk about the minis.
6 March 2022
Chaos Renegades
I've always loved these old Renegade models and owned a couple back in the day, on which I did an appalling job with Titillating Pink, Snot Green and Red Gore (remember those colours?). I stumbled across this pair on Ebay last year and immediately bought them, and a couple of days ago I finally got around to painting them.
31 December 2021
My top 11 of 2021
25 November 2021
Warhammer Undead Chariot: Finished!
I guessed this would be a bit of a sod to paint, and I wasn't too wrong. But happily the painting and basing went well in the end... I just wish I could say the same for the final steps.
11 November 2021
Warhammer Undead Chariot: Horses
5 November 2021
Warhammer Undead Chariot
Way back in January I mentioned how much I wanted to make and build this chariot, and almost a year later I've finally made a start. It's just occurred to me that doing it for Zombtober would have been a good idea, but this is me we're talking about.
11 October 2021
Space Wolves Terminator Librarian
Despite being ecstatically happy at getting a Terminator Captain on Ebay, I wasn't exactly happy with how much he cost. I swore off buying Oldhammer minis for a while, but that lasted all of two months when I found this classic mini selling for the astonishingly cheap price of $12 including shipping.
5 October 2021
Ashen Claws Kill Team
Bear in mind I haven't actually bought any of the Kill Team rulebooks as they're hugely overpriced and, as the latest one's only just come out, are probably full of errors. I have been able to find basic rules and datacards online so they'll do for now.
15 August 2021
Death Eagles Space Marine
One day, home alone and bored, I typed "death eagle space marine" into Ebay. You can guess what happened next.