Showing posts with label basing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basing. Show all posts

4 July 2022

Season of Scenery: Dragon Plant

I'm very glad nothing like this lives in the forest that surrounds our house. 

10 June 2022

Frostgrave Cultists

Quick disclaimer: I have no idea what Frostgrave is. I just thought these figures were cool.

5 June 2022

Black Troll Render

Man, I wish I'd found this chap in time for Monster May(hem). Oh well.

3 June 2022

Monster May(hem): Possessed Chaos Dreadnought

Here it is, my main Monster May(hem) project I've alluded to over the past month. Hopefully I didn't big it up too much. Also, it occurred to me while writing this post that the conversion and painting took longer to do than writing my 15,000-word dissertation on the invasion of Grenada.

21 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Chaos Dragon Ogre

Although I was never into Warhammer Fantasy Battle back in the day, I always liked seeing the figures in 'Eavy Metal and the dragon ogre was one that stood out as being pretty cool. So when I spotted one for sale on Ebay in October 2020 — or as I like to think of it, "that time when I had money" — I snapped it up. I think it's either a second or third edition model. I did see a classic first-edition one but it was priced at over $100, so yeah but no.

16 May 2022

14 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Tomb Tapper

Holy crap, that's one of the best mini photos I've ever taken. Watch me forget to do it next time.

4 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Queen of Hell

I have the distinct feeling that this queen doesn't like corgis.

27 April 2022


Baz, Kez and Tez are ready to cause some mayhem. The fourth member, Maz, was lost during the group's prolonged adventure in the fabled realm of Spaire Roomia and is badly missed as he had all the snacks.

18 April 2022

15 April 2022

Masque of the Killing Joke

In case either of you were wondering why my output has dropped this month, meet the reason why. Oh, and you might recognise a couple of these chaps.

1 April 2022

Fungal Queen

I'm really in two minds about this one: one mind thinks that my painting of the figure is not too good, and the other part thinks it's pretty good. Happily, my mind does agree that the base is awesome.

29 March 2022

Zombie Shark 2: Basing Boogaloo

Say hi to Simon the zombie shark. Yes, I should have called him Bruce.

15 December 2021

Nativity Scene

This is my all-time fave nativity scene. The pack of Camels just elevates it to absolute gold status. But unfortunately it's not the topic of this post.

8 December 2021


Dragoth the Defiler, Undead Lord, has just stepped on a Lego brick. And yes, that is my giant wererat on the left in the background, which shows how long this model's been sitting on my desk.

6 December 2021

Temple Dragon

In case anyone is thinking "wait, this looks familiar", it's because I got 90% of the way through painting this dragon when I realised I was using the same technique and pretty much the same colours as I did for my byakhees back in May. Oops.

5 November 2021

Warhammer Undead Chariot

Way back in January I mentioned how much I wanted to make and build this chariot, and almost a year later I've finally made a start. It's just occurred to me that doing it for Zombtober would have been a good idea, but this is me we're talking about.

4 October 2021


It's back to huge metal monsters today as I'm waiting on more zombies and survivors to show up in the mail for this month's double challenge of Zombtober and Apocalypse Me. So strap in and enjoy.

23 September 2021

Lardgulp, Two-Headed Troll

Another day, another troll, apparently. This chunky boi isn't a recent purchase; if memory serves I bought him back in 2019 and found him a few days ago in yet another box of crap. He was still in his blister pack, and apart from a slightly bent sword was in great condition.

18 September 2021

Marsh Troll

This dour chap was an impulse buy off Amazon. Sculpted by Bob Olley, I really like his air of melancholy as he trudges home through a cold and bleak marsh.