Showing posts with label space marines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space marines. Show all posts

8 April 2022

10 March 2022

9 March 2022

Chaos Renegades 2

Two more twisted creatures crawl out of the Warp to spread mayhem and terror across the galaxy. But enough about the dogs, let's talk about the minis.

6 March 2022

Chaos Renegades

I've always loved these old Renegade models and owned a couple back in the day, on which I did an appalling job with Titillating Pink, Snot Green and Red Gore (remember those colours?). I stumbled across this pair on Ebay last year and immediately bought them, and a couple of days ago I finally got around to painting them.

11 October 2021

Space Wolves Terminator Librarian

Despite being ecstatically happy at getting a Terminator Captain on Ebay, I wasn't exactly happy with how much he cost. I swore off buying Oldhammer minis for a while, but that lasted all of two months when I found this classic mini selling for the astonishingly cheap price of $12 including shipping.

5 October 2021

Ashen Claws Kill Team

Bear in mind I haven't actually bought any of the Kill Team rulebooks as they're hugely overpriced and, as the latest one's only just come out, are probably full of errors. I have been able to find basic rules and datacards online so they'll do for now.

15 August 2021

Death Eagles Space Marine

One day, home alone and bored, I typed "death eagle space marine" into Ebay. You can guess what happened next.

17 July 2021

Blood Angels Terminator Captain

An artist's impression of me when I saw this mini on Ebay.

11 April 2021

PTCYAO! Plague Marines

Another painting challenge from Ann — titled “Paint the Crap You Already Own!” — means another chance to dig out some unpainted minis and get them done. So here's a squad of Plague Marines.

19 March 2021

Death Guard Traitor Terminator

I bought a two-pack of Traitor Terminators off Ebay just after getting my regular Termies. I never owned any of them back in the day because I painted and played Emperor-loving Ultramarines, but I always thought they were great figures and enjoyed seeing them on the old 'Eavy Metal pages of White Dwarf.

4 March 2021

2 January 2021

15 September 2020

Random Space Marines vol.5

Here we go again, this time with a Soul Drinker, a Salamander and an Iron Snake.

22 August 2020

Random Space Marines vol.4

Three more Marines, spanning 10,000 years of Imperial history. Guess which one's the traitor?

25 June 2020

Random Space Marines vol.3

void dragons death guard tiger claws space marines

Here's three more of the Emperor's finest: from left, Marines of the Void Dragons, Death Guard and Tiger Claws.

23 May 2020

Random Space Marines vol.2

Another month, another trio of genetically engineered and heavily armed super soldiers. From left we have a Celestial Lion, a Flesh Tearer and a Space Shark Carcharodon.

20 April 2020

Random Space Marines vol.1

Remember when I said I'd "accidentally" bought a load of Space Marine bitz on eBay? Well, here we go.