Death is everywhere, but in this case he was on the floor beneath my desk and behind my footrest. I only found him thanks to dropping a brush last night, and I banged him out this morning for something to do that wasn't the dishes or laundry.
11 March 2022
24 January 2022
Crimson Herald
Much like the Herald of Razmir, I'm not entirely sure what the Crimson Herald is actually heralding. Is he a proponent of deep red shades? The mascot for a daemonic Blood Bowl team? Advertising a sale at the local Evil Я Us? Whatever he is, it gave me an excuse to whip out the chapel and the door again.
8 December 2021
Dragoth the Defiler, Undead Lord, has just stepped on a Lego brick. And yes, that is my giant wererat on the left in the background, which shows how long this model's been sitting on my desk.
25 November 2021
Warhammer Undead Chariot: Finished!
I guessed this would be a bit of a sod to paint, and I wasn't too wrong. But happily the painting and basing went well in the end... I just wish I could say the same for the final steps.
11 November 2021
Warhammer Undead Chariot: Horses
5 November 2021
Warhammer Undead Chariot
Way back in January I mentioned how much I wanted to make and build this chariot, and almost a year later I've finally made a start. It's just occurred to me that doing it for Zombtober would have been a good idea, but this is me we're talking about.