Showing posts with label creepy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creepy. Show all posts

20 January 2023

Gnarly, Wildwood, and Skull Trees

Suddenly I stop, but I know it's too late... I'm lost in a forest, all alone — "A Forest", The Cure, 1980.

29 June 2022

Star Schlock: Necronauts

If there's one thing Scooby Doo taught me, it's that glowing green space skellingtons are SCARY!

27 April 2022


Baz, Kez and Tez are ready to cause some mayhem. The fourth member, Maz, was lost during the group's prolonged adventure in the fabled realm of Spaire Roomia and is badly missed as he had all the snacks.

24 January 2022

Crimson Herald

Much like the Herald of Razmir, I'm not entirely sure what the Crimson Herald is actually heralding. Is he a proponent of deep red shades? The mascot for a daemonic Blood Bowl team? Advertising a sale at the local Evil Я Us? Whatever he is, it gave me an excuse to whip out the chapel and the door again.

8 December 2021


Dragoth the Defiler, Undead Lord, has just stepped on a Lego brick. And yes, that is my giant wererat on the left in the background, which shows how long this model's been sitting on my desk.

28 November 2021

Angels of Sorrow

The angel statues outside the abandoned crypt seem to be in slightly different positions and poses every time you see them, but that's just your imagination, right? Right?

25 March 2021

Skull rock

As I said in a previous post, I've been watching a lot of scenery tutorials on YouTube recently and the other day one caught my eye in a kind of, "Hey, I could do that" way. So I gave it a shot.

28 January 2021

Brother Lazarus, Plague Doctor

I painted Brother Lazarus' counterpart, Sister Hazel, back in July and at the time I said that I couldn't think of a more apt mini. Six months on, Lazarus is sadly still appropriate for the ongoing shitstorm that is Covid.

14 October 2020


According to the Pathfinder Wiki, sinspawn are "emaciated horrors with unnaturally long arms and legs". I didn't know that when I saw it on the rack of Reaper minis at Brookhurst Hobbies back in August, only that it looks creepy and cool. 

20 August 2020

Urban Zombies 2

I'm not sure why these are called Urban Zombies as they look like they're from the Victorian era. Whatevs. It took me a while to like these enough to buy them as I've never been a fan of zombies with weapons. But during a undead-buying spree back in February I decided to splash out on them, and for once it wasn't to get free shipping. 

16 August 2020


The penanggalan is a vampire from Malaysian mythology — a vampire with a bit of a twist.

8 August 2020

Dreadmere Wight

I probably need to add a label for "Minis I bought to get free shipping on Amazon".

2 August 2020


As per usual I've decided to bestow names on these plastic people, so meet Poopy and Lanky.

24 July 2020

Sister Hazel, Plague Nurse

Sister Hazel Plague Doctor

If anyone can think of a more apt mini to paint at this point in time, I'd love to hear it. Maybe a Plaguebearer wearing a MAGA hat?

21 July 2020

The Changed

harwood hobbies the changed

Harwood Hobbies makes four Changed figures, so today's mystery is "why did I only buy three of them?" Answers on a postcard, please.

18 July 2020

Gutrags, Stitch Golem

gutrags stitch golem reaper minatures

Another day, another impulse buy. I liked this chap partly because he looks like those odd little buggers in the movie 9 and because he's just creepy.

28 June 2020

Mister Mangel

mister mangel crooked dice miniatures

You're driving through the English countryside in the spring sunshine. A figure in a field catches your eye and you pull over for a better look. It's a scarecrow stuck in the brown earth, the sun glinting off a rusty sickle that's been jammed in the bundle of sticks that forms its left hand.

21 June 2020

13 May 2020

Monster Month: Dark Young

I'm taking part in Monster Month, a painting challenge set by Keith over at Dead Dick’s Tavern and Temporary Lodging. There's no prize, it's just a bit of fun open to miniature painters and bloggers.