Showing posts with label monster mayhem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monster mayhem. Show all posts

12 May 2024

Monster May(hem): The Cultivator

And we're off with this year's Monster May(hem), the painting challenge I love so much and which I've taken part in since 2020. To begin, here's more Nurgle!

30 May 2023

Monster Mayhem: Minotaur Lord

What's this? A non-Etsy model? What's going on?

27 May 2023

Monster Mayhem: Shambler

Imagine taking a stroll through the forest and suddenly being attacked by an ambulatory salad.

23 May 2023

Monster Mayhem: Calden Keep: Goliath

The thousands of dead in Calden Keep have reanimated in this giant suit of necromantic armour. Glowing with the souls of the slain, the Goliath seeks new victims to increase its power in the real world.

14 May 2023

Monster Mayhem: Fungal Troll

I've finally got around to finishing what was going to be my first entry to this year's Monster May(hem) challenge until I got annoyed with it and did the Jötunn Moder instead.

12 May 2023

Monster Mayhem: Jötunn Moder

I'm running late with this year's Monster May(hem); by this time last year I'd knocked out three models. But finally here's my first entry in 2023's challenge.

3 June 2022

Monster May(hem): Possessed Chaos Dreadnought

Here it is, my main Monster May(hem) project I've alluded to over the past month. Hopefully I didn't big it up too much. Also, it occurred to me while writing this post that the conversion and painting took longer to do than writing my 15,000-word dissertation on the invasion of Grenada.

31 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Keeper of Secrets

There's nothing like spending a humid Saturday morning scraping dried glue off a Chaos daemon. At least I'm assuming it's dried glue. This is, after all, a Slaanesh daemon.

27 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Chaos Renegade Slaanesh Rider

Another Monster May(hem) post, another chance to get an older mini out of the Magical Box of Unloved Lead and painted up. Yay!

21 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Chaos Dragon Ogre

Although I was never into Warhammer Fantasy Battle back in the day, I always liked seeing the figures in 'Eavy Metal and the dragon ogre was one that stood out as being pretty cool. So when I spotted one for sale on Ebay in October 2020 — or as I like to think of it, "that time when I had money" — I snapped it up. I think it's either a second or third edition model. I did see a classic first-edition one but it was priced at over $100, so yeah but no.

17 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Muccins

There's a rustling in the undergrowth that you can't identify. Peering closer, you see what looks like a mouth on legs standing in the tall grass. You just about manage to whisper "what the..." before you're swarmed by small creatures. All you can feel is teeth before darkness mercifully envelops you...

16 May 2022

14 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Tomb Tapper

Holy crap, that's one of the best mini photos I've ever taken. Watch me forget to do it next time.

8 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Hell Hounds

Oops, wrong photo. Although at times this pair does qualify as hell hounds, especially if a squirrel farts anywhere in the forest outside the house.

6 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Hastur la vista

Of all the Cthulhu: Death May Die minis, Hastur is by far the creepiest. He was also by far the hardest one to paint.

4 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Queen of Hell

I have the distinct feeling that this queen doesn't like corgis.

31 December 2021

My top 11 of 2021

Crap, I spared every expense doing a header image and then accidentally deleted it. Oops. So here's one I nicked.

31 May 2021

Monster May(hem): Hastur...oh, Hastur

I think I went a monster too far. Why couldn't Robert W. Chambers have written The King In Literally Any Colour Except Yellow?