Showing posts with label chaos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chaos. Show all posts

12 May 2024

Monster May(hem): The Cultivator

And we're off with this year's Monster May(hem), the painting challenge I love so much and which I've taken part in since 2020. To begin, here's more Nurgle!

10 April 2024

Vomit Beast

Here's some more Nurgley goodness to put you off your dinner!

27 March 2024

Herald of Plague on Palanquin

How to spend $25 on Etsy with no conscious thought whatsoever.

12 September 2023

Slaanesh Warband: Laviscus, Champion of Chaos

"YOU! Put that daemonette down and get me my coffee!"

3 June 2022

Monster May(hem): Possessed Chaos Dreadnought

Here it is, my main Monster May(hem) project I've alluded to over the past month. Hopefully I didn't big it up too much. Also, it occurred to me while writing this post that the conversion and painting took longer to do than writing my 15,000-word dissertation on the invasion of Grenada.

31 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Keeper of Secrets

There's nothing like spending a humid Saturday morning scraping dried glue off a Chaos daemon. At least I'm assuming it's dried glue. This is, after all, a Slaanesh daemon.

27 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Chaos Renegade Slaanesh Rider

Another Monster May(hem) post, another chance to get an older mini out of the Magical Box of Unloved Lead and painted up. Yay!

21 May 2022

Monster May(hem): Chaos Dragon Ogre

Although I was never into Warhammer Fantasy Battle back in the day, I always liked seeing the figures in 'Eavy Metal and the dragon ogre was one that stood out as being pretty cool. So when I spotted one for sale on Ebay in October 2020 — or as I like to think of it, "that time when I had money" — I snapped it up. I think it's either a second or third edition model. I did see a classic first-edition one but it was priced at over $100, so yeah but no.

10 March 2022

9 March 2022

Chaos Renegades 2

Two more twisted creatures crawl out of the Warp to spread mayhem and terror across the galaxy. But enough about the dogs, let's talk about the minis.

6 March 2022

Chaos Renegades

I've always loved these old Renegade models and owned a couple back in the day, on which I did an appalling job with Titillating Pink, Snot Green and Red Gore (remember those colours?). I stumbled across this pair on Ebay last year and immediately bought them, and a couple of days ago I finally got around to painting them.

19 March 2021

Death Guard Traitor Terminator

I bought a two-pack of Traitor Terminators off Ebay just after getting my regular Termies. I never owned any of them back in the day because I painted and played Emperor-loving Ultramarines, but I always thought they were great figures and enjoyed seeing them on the old 'Eavy Metal pages of White Dwarf.

9 February 2021

Slaanesh Warband (and Fembruary): Lewdbeast

Lewdbeast is the last Daemonette I need to complete my unit for my Slaanesh warband. I "accidentally" found her while "accidentally" browsing Ebay in December and "accidentally" bought her. And she'll count as my first entry for the Fembruary painting challenge!

3 February 2021

Gellerpox Glitchling

This 'orrible little chap was an impulse buy off Ebay back in spring 2019. I didn't exactly know what it was, I just thought it was cute in a not-very-cute way. I named him Wibble.

2 January 2021

10 November 2020

Lockdown Unit Challenge part 1

With my Slaanesh warband project progressing nicely and loads of time on my hands, you'd think I'd be churning out painted minis. Nope. We all have our slumps, and I'm no exception. Then Dave over at Wargame Sculptors decided to announce a Lockdown Challenge: paint a unit of troops, in any genre, and it gave me the kick in the backside I needed to hit the paints again. 

21 October 2020

Slaanesh Warband: Chaos Thugs 2

Back when I started this Slaanesh warband project I ordered all the figures off one Ebay seller, and she was kind enough to chuck in a few free ones, including two Chaos thugs. They were the first warband minis I painted and I really enjoyed them. I didn't think I'd get any more thugs until I was stupid enough to go on Ebay last month.