Showing posts with label basing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basing. Show all posts

27 August 2021

Zombie dog handler

I think this 'orrible chap and his decaying doggo were started in May last year. After finding him while tidying up my shelves and storage (our spare room is a bomb site of crap right now) I thought it was about time I got him finished.

24 July 2021

Season of Scenery: Monster egg 2

A bit of a short update just to prove I'm alive and still working on this thing.

14 July 2021

Season of Scenery: Monster egg

I saw this last month on one of the few Black Magic Craft tutorial videos I hadn't watched and wanted to give them a go. Luckily Alicia had bought some cheap hollow plastic eggs in Walmart at Easter, so I had the basic ingredients. In the interests of full disclosure, I will be copying a lot of BMC's work in terms of techniques as he did an awesome job.

8 June 2021

Porkchop the Porkgre

Porkchop was part of RBJ Game's Yippers and Squealers Kickstarter, which I backed in December and received in March. I actually pledged for the Squealers core set, but when I saw him on the RBJ site I decided to pick him up too because let's face it, why would I not want a massive pig armed with a cleaver and meathook?

12 May 2021

Monster May(hem): Byakhee

As I said in my first post about Cthulhu: Death May Die, byakhee are "interstellar predators that feed on their victims". That's pretty much it; they don't have a huge backstory. About the only interesting fact is that they weren't invented by HP Lovecraft, despite appearing in one of his stories.

8 May 2021

Monster May(hem): Shoggoth

"Formless protoplasm able to mock and reflect all forms and organs and processes — viscous agglutinations of bubbling cells — rubbery fifteen-foot spheroids infinitely plastic and ductile — slaves of suggestion, builders of cities — more and more sullen, more and more intelligent, more and more amphibious, more and more imitative! Great God! What madness made even those blasphemous Old Ones willing to use and carve such things?"

1 May 2021

Monster May(hem): Elder Thing

Before we kick off, I just want to say that I've been looking forward to this year's Monster May(hem) for ages. I had an absolute blast last year, painting five figures over the course of the month. I chose to begin this year's challenge with an Elder Thing by RAFM. I've named him Giles.

15 April 2021

Zombie hunters part 6: Technically they're part 7

This is the first actual group of survivors I've painted since August! The last group was put up individually and you can see them here. These guys are all Hasselfree minis which I ordered in March but only showed up a week ago. From left we have PC Sam Ford, Katie, Parker and Aaron.

11 April 2021

PTCYAO! Plague Marines

Another painting challenge from Ann — titled “Paint the Crap You Already Own!” — means another chance to dig out some unpainted minis and get them done. So here's a squad of Plague Marines.

4 April 2021

Rusting a Mini Cooper S

The GT-R... Dear God, the GT-R. It's currently killing my will to live, so I thought I'd get another 1/43 car to bugger up as I was in the mood. As my closest dollar store only has a Ferrari in stock I went to the one in Bennington to discover it also had one model: a bright red BBurago Mini Cooper S. Here's Destiny looking dramatic in front of it.

31 March 2021

Shade Beast, Darkreach Monster

This one... sort of worked. I've named it Erebus for obvious reasons.

23 March 2021

Maggotcrown Ogre Juggernaut

Much like Razmir, I don't know what "Maggotcrown" means. Reaper does a range of minis with that term so I'm assuming it's a setting or faction in a game. Whatever it is, it suits this hulking mountain of metal to a tee. In light of his intimidating size and menacing skull head, I've named him Tim.

21 March 2021

Neglected but Not Forgotten: Space Goblin Commando

I'm pretty sure I bought this little chap, who I've christened Globrik, at the same time I ordered Aina. He's definitely an impulse buy as I cannot imagine why I'd actually need a space goblin commando. I don't know if Reaper was going to bring out a line of these, but they did make a total of three: the commando, a mechanic and one in power armour. 

19 March 2021

Death Guard Traitor Terminator

I bought a two-pack of Traitor Terminators off Ebay just after getting my regular Termies. I never owned any of them back in the day because I painted and played Emperor-loving Ultramarines, but I always thought they were great figures and enjoyed seeing them on the old 'Eavy Metal pages of White Dwarf.

16 March 2021

Giant Wererat

Amazon is responsible for this one by putting it in my "HEY YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BUY THIS" list. I've named him Clanger after a pet rat I had back in the early 2000s. The real Clanger was named after the best kids' TV show in the universe. Also, I started this mini back in late January and have been updating this post on and off until today, I apologise if it's a bit all over the place.

14 March 2021

Neglected but Not Forgotten: Post Apocalyptic Hunter

Ann's Neglected but Not Forgotten challenge has really spurred me to finish up older minis. While going through one of the many boxes of crap I've acquired thanks to this hobby, I saw a small grey figure stuck between some 30mm bases and realised it was one of my zombie survivors.

9 March 2021

Neglected but Not Forgotten: Aina, Valkyrie

I originally bought the plastic Bones Aina at Brookhurst Hobbies in summer 2018. That turned out to be a mistake because when I took her out of her blister pack a month or two later, her sword resembled a banana, which I somehow didn't notice when I purchased her. I tried the usual hot water/ice water method but no luck. Into the Magical Box of Unloved Lead she went, and there she stays till this day.

4 March 2021

4 February 2021


Pulse has adorned my header image since the day I launched PMPainting on its turbulent voyage of screaming and money. She was going to be my first entry in the Fembruary painting challenge, but then I had second thoughts; it would be pretty crap to kick off a challenge with a figure that wasn't specifically painted for it. So I rebased her (it only took me two years to get around to it) and here she is.