Showing posts with label army painter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label army painter. Show all posts

4 April 2020

Zombies on the cheap

Five zombies for $6.99? Sign me up! These Reaper zed-words are a cheap addition to my collection of shambling undead. Reaper names its figures, so allow me to introduce, from left, Ernest, Ronnie, Gracie, George and Reggie.

23 March 2020

18 March 2020

Aglanda, Herald of Razmir, and Cultists


Aglanda is in the centre, flanked by a couple of cultists. I have no idea what a Razmir is, nor why it requires a Herald.

15 March 2020

Sid, Rock Star

The range and selection of minis on Reaper's site is so ridiculous that you can spend hours looking for the perfect figure. On the other hand, you could just pick one that looks cool to bump you over the magical free shipping total. Sid was that figure.

7 March 2020

Urban Zombies

I bought these zombies last spring and didn't get around to opening the pack until a couple of months later. And once I had them in my hands, I hated them.

29 February 2020

An Ultramarine medic and a trip down memory lane

It's 1989ish. I'm in the corner of Flynn's attic flicking through the Warhammer 40,000 Compendium, one of the rulebooks for a roleplaying/tabletop war game that he's bought while Flynn gets on with painting his Blood Angels. I'm not particularly interested in playing the game but I am enjoying the batshit insane 80s artwork and the background stories.

21 February 2020

Fluke Shamblers

These horrible little buggers are by Crooked Dice and I think I'm safe in saying they're the first Crooked Dice figures I bought. I'm pretty sure I got them because they're so hideously horrible.

16 February 2020

Zombie hunters part 1

Here's the four post-apocalyptic zombie killers I've assembled so far. From left we have Louise, Berkeley, Felicity and Ray. Three of them are vaguely familiar, for some reason.

These aren't a team in the sense I play tabletop games with them, although the more zombies and survivors I collect, the more I think I should do something with them. I thought I had more post-apoc/zombie-rising type figures but this is it, which is sort of disappointing. Still, there are loads more out there for me to buy and paint.

13 February 2020

Antarctic Explorers

I've been interested in the early days of Antarctic exploration since I read Alfred Lancing's Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage (which I thoroughly recommend) back in 2001. Since then I've read a ton of books about those old-school explorers, so when I found a set of minis by EMP Games I ordered them immediately. That was in August 2018, and I painted them in July 2019.

10 February 2020

Zombie Suzi

As it was a rainy Sunday yesterday and the dogs decided that five minutes was enough for their morning walk, I had plenty of time not only to paint one of my new minis, but to bring both of you with me through the medium of crappy photography.

7 February 2020

Mi-Go are go-go

These are mi-go. The two on the outside are plastic Reaper Bones figures and the centre one is a metal mini by Crooked Dice Miniatures.

3 February 2020

Failed Experiments

These minis have long been on my want list. They're ridiculously inventive sculpts by Crooked Dice which come with three heads and four arms, meaning I get to inflict horrifying mutations on them. MMMWAHAHAHAAAA! The heads are: horrible mutation, simian/wolfman (both above) and human-size fly head. The arms include a tentacle, crab claw, huge hand, and robotic claw.

29 January 2020

Zarion Bloodnail, Evil Warrior

zarion bloodnail

It had been a difficult and exhausting journey. Zarion Bloodnail, scourge of the Sotha Wastes, defiler of Fruaq Ciliasan, sworn enemy of the Khalolies, had slain innumerable challengers to be here now, at this precise moment, to perform his annual vigil to the one — the only one — who had almost bested him. The blood of the last Llirid who'd stood in his way still dripped from Bloodnail's ancient battleaxe.

27 January 2020

Zombie strippers

Say hello to Reaper's zombie strippers, which are awesomely sculpted by Bob Ridolfi. I've named them Lexus, Mercedes and Porsche. These decomposing disrobers have been on my radar for a while, and with my [NUMBER REDACTED] birthday rapidly approaching I thought I'd treat myself to some disintegrating dancers.

24 January 2020

Guarding the treasure

Sir Guinemar the Righteous takes his loyal pooch Worral with him on all his adventures. Worral is a good companion, a devoted friend and useful for catching rabbits. He wears a jaunty hat with a feather in it because Sir Guinemar discovered that it makes his doggo an absolute babe magnet.

21 January 2020

A different kind of mini

I painted this grave wraith by Reaper Miniatures in July 2018. It was the the first miniature I'd painted in 25 years, and I think I did an OK job on it.