21 February 2020

Fluke Shamblers

These horrible little buggers are by Crooked Dice and I think I'm safe in saying they're the first Crooked Dice figures I bought. I'm pretty sure I got them because they're so hideously horrible.

Crooked Dice does a whole range of Flukes, from cute little baby grubs right up to a fluke mama. But the shamblers caught my eye because they're what humans become if they're bitten by a fluke. 

As these were my first Crooked Dice minis I did wonder what the sculpt quality would be like, and I wasn't disappointed, although looking at them now their hands and feet are a bit cartoony. I decided to paint them both at the same time seeing as they'd be painted with the same colours. After a priming with Vallejo Black I basecoated them with Vallejo Neutral Grey and gave them a thorough wash with Army Painter Dark Tone. At some point during the painting process I remembered what they remind me of:

Once dry they were highlighted with successive layers of Army Painter Uniform and Ash greys. These were some of the first figures that I tried highlighting with layering instead of drybrushing, and it went well, although looking at them six months I could have done better. After a final once-over with Dark Tone they were done.

Their wounds and mouths are Vallejo Black Red and Burnt Red and their teeth White. The one on the right looks like it's wearing lipstick and probably needs to be touched up (oooerrr).

The bases are Liquitex Modelling Paste with a sprinkling of sand. They're painted with Citadel Caliban Green and plastered in Army Painter Purple Tone for that swampy look.

I'll give you three guesses as to what Alicia thought of these, and the first two guesses don't count.

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