31 October 2023

Zombtober: Fecalus, Greater Daemon of Nurgle

I wanted to do something different for this year's Zombtober instead of the usual basic zombies. After having a bit of a think, I decided on something Nurgle because a bag of pus and vomit held together by rotting skin, diseased tendons and some unearthly power qualifies, right?

Despite being ordered from Etsy in mid-September, Fecalus didn't show up until two weeks ago. He took a while to paint partly because of work and partly because I basically made up the colour scheme as I went. I didn't want the usual Death Guard Green look as I think it's too dry; I wanted Fecalus to look swampy, damp and slimy. More to the point, I wanted him to look disgusting.

After priming him with dark brown spray paint he got a very heavy overbrush with Black Green, which was frankly plastered on with a large brush. Black Green has the look of rotting vegetation and it works perfectly as a base colour. With that dry, I mixed in some Yellow Green and gave him another once-over as a first highlight.

I added some more Yellow Green and a touch of Dorn Yellow and drybrushed him again, then added more Dorn Yellow and gave him a third highlight. At this point he was getting a bit too yellow so I washed the whole model with thinned Biel Tan Green to green him Fecalus up a bit.

I painted the inside of his mouths, his gums and his tongue Black and then gave them a few drybrushes with German Grey, Neutral Grey and Ghost Grey before washing them with more thinned Biel Tan to add a nice manky greenish tint. I did the gaping wounds in his arms and back the same way, as if Fecalus is rotting from the inside out. Which, let's face it, he probably is.

To add to the general disgustingness I dug out some 3D printed maggots that I've had for a while:

I painted a few Off-White and then dipped them into a mix of Biel Tan and Seraphim Sepia. Once dry, I stuck them into wounds on Fecalus' back, arm and shoulder. Nice! 

When it came to his teeth (which, along with horns, I hate painting) I decided to eschew the usual bone colours. Each one was painted with Dryad Bark and then has layers of Japanese Uniform, Green Ochre, Tan and Beige to make them look like their owner is someone to whom toothpaste doesn't exist. A final wash with a very thin mix of the Biel Tan/ Sepia wash gave them the appearance I was after.

All of Fecalus' many boils, of which I'm sure he's proud, were first painted Off-White before getting a few layers of Dorn Yellow mixed with White and then a dab with more Biel-Tan. His horns/spiny bits are Rhinox Hide drybrushed with Burnt Umber, and then I mixed some Japanese Uniform into the umber for the final highlights.

A couple of the spines looked more like worms growing out of his body, so I used Hexed Lichen to basecoat them and then added some Off-White to layer on the highlights, and at this point I managed to snap off his tongue. Bugger.

His sword was way too smooth for a weapon wielded by a daemon that can rust metal just by looking at it, so I added some rough patches using DAS clay. The whole sword was basecoated with Eshin Grey and I stippled on Iron Warriors with a makeup brush for the metallic sheen. The patches were painted much the same way as his skin as if Nurgle's Rot was infecting the very metal. 

The hilt is Bronze over Chocolate Brown. Both metallics looked way too shiny so I mixed more Biel Tan with some Agrax Earthshade to get a nasty greenish-brown wash and liberally slapped it all over the metals, which toned down the shininess and added to the rotting effect.

The straps are just Off-White with several coats of the green-brown wash mix plastered on, as is the rope holding up his loincloth thing. The cloth itself is a similar combination of colours as his teeth.

By this point you might have noticed that Fecalus isn't on a base. This isn't down to laziness on my part, honest. He didn't fit on a 60mm base so I asked Alicia to order some 80mm ones off Amazon Prime, and they were here within two days. Unfortunately he didn't fit on those either, so Alicia ordered some 100mm bases on October 21 which were supposed to be here within three days. I'm still waiting for them.

Rest assured that I have some disgusting ideas for how to base Fecalus and once it's done I'll post some pics.


  1. Stunning stuff, Matt, simply stunning... and super-disgusting too. LOL!! Was this a single 3D print or did you have to build it - as a single figure I'd have thought the failure rate would've been pretty high as there's an awful lot that can go wrong with that beastie. I especially love the maggots idea. That and the sword crud add a good deal more to the overall paint-job.

    1. Cheers, Simon! I had a lot of fun painting Fecalus, mainly because he was pretty straightforward to do but also because getting the look of rot and decay was an interesting experiment in making it up as I went along LOL!

  2. Holy wow mate! That's an impressive slob! Great depth to his colours and colour choices.

    Those maggots are a lovely touch too.

    This model looks large - can we get a scale pic next to a regular sized fig? Interested to see what you choose to do for the base.

    I painted up a GUO 6 years ago (http://lostdamnedstunted.blogspot.com/2017/09/where-were-your-evolved-sensibilities_30.html) and it took ages as "she" was a very large sculpt, so truly appreciate the work that went into yours!

    1. I love what you did with your Great Unclean One, Dai! You nailed the Nurgle look and the rusty sword is maginificent! Fecalus is about 5" tall, I'll take another photo once he's based with a regular mini for scale.

  3. Eeeek! That beast looks disgusting! I mean, lovely disgusting. Uneasily impressive... Oh, well you know what I mean! :)

    1. I do know what you mean, and thanks, Suber! Glad you find him disgusting, that's exactly what I was going for :-)

  4. I still have a long way to go in my journey of 3D printing acceptance, Matt; but this looks amazing. Terrific-looking "miniature", enhanced greatly by your superior painting. The teeth look spectacular. Great effects achieved, man!

    1. Cheers, Keith! 3D printing is the way for me, I think, the cost (Fecalus was $41 including shipping, an actual GW Great Unclean One is $160!) and availability makes them my minis of choice. Happy you find the teeth well painted as I really don't like painting teeth or horns.

    2. I knew GW was re-effing-diculous; but I haven't played Warhammer in about 20 years, so I had no idea how crazy they have become. My issues with 3D printing are more about the inconsistency between printers, and the tendency of printers to use an STL image as an image for the miniature, not an actual print they did of the miniature. Then you order it, they ship it to you and it looks like ass. My experience, anyway...but I agree. $41 is more reasonable than $160, and your GUO looks great!

  5. John@justneedsvarnishThursday, November 02, 2023

    Oh yeah, that is truly disgusting! :-) I'm probably going to start having nightmares again! ;-)

    1. Thanks, John! Good that my plan to haunt your dreams is working LOL!

  6. That is a great looking "off-brand" Greater Unclean One (or whatever the official name is). It looks absolutely disgusting and that stomach cavity really takes it over the top! The model looks huge so I'm not surprised you're having to go big on the basing. Hopefully you got what you needed from Amazon by now. It sounds like Alicia has saved the hobby day yet again so kudos to her as well!

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I love "off-brand", it sums up so much of the stuff you see on Etsy! How the makers of the STL files aren't sued out of existence by Games Workshop is a mystery. Fecalus is a huge model and towers over your standard 28/32mm mini. As he should LOL!

  7. Now that is suitably disgusting! 😁

    Nicely done.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger! "Disgusting" is Fecalus' middle name LOL!

  8. I think you nailed the wet disgusting look perfectly Matt, it's like it's dripping through the screen at me, excellent job throughout.

    1. Cheers, Dave! The wet look is what I like about it, I've always found the "official" GW scheme to be too dry-looking.

  9. Nice work, Matt! The first pic looks like I closeup of an Otyugh! :D I like your take on painting up a Nurgle baddie, the multiple layers add up and really make it even more interesting. The metal on the sword looks like it's been burned by acid, which is also a really cool effect!
