25 March 2021

Skull rock

As I said in a previous post, I've been watching a lot of scenery tutorials on YouTube recently and the other day one caught my eye in a kind of, "Hey, I could do that" way. So I gave it a shot.

24 March 2021

23 March 2021

Maggotcrown Ogre Juggernaut

Much like Razmir, I don't know what "Maggotcrown" means. Reaper does a range of minis with that term so I'm assuming it's a setting or faction in a game. Whatever it is, it suits this hulking mountain of metal to a tee. In light of his intimidating size and menacing skull head, I've named him Tim.

21 March 2021

Neglected but Not Forgotten: Space Goblin Commando

I'm pretty sure I bought this little chap, who I've christened Globrik, at the same time I ordered Aina. He's definitely an impulse buy as I cannot imagine why I'd actually need a space goblin commando. I don't know if Reaper was going to bring out a line of these, but they did make a total of three: the commando, a mechanic and one in power armour. 

19 March 2021

Death Guard Traitor Terminator

I bought a two-pack of Traitor Terminators off Ebay just after getting my regular Termies. I never owned any of them back in the day because I painted and played Emperor-loving Ultramarines, but I always thought they were great figures and enjoyed seeing them on the old 'Eavy Metal pages of White Dwarf.

16 March 2021

Giant Wererat

Amazon is responsible for this one by putting it in my "HEY YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BUY THIS" list. I've named him Clanger after a pet rat I had back in the early 2000s. The real Clanger was named after the best kids' TV show in the universe. Also, I started this mini back in late January and have been updating this post on and off until today, I apologise if it's a bit all over the place.