15 August 2021

Death Eagles Space Marine

One day, home alone and bored, I typed "death eagle space marine" into Ebay. You can guess what happened next.

13 August 2021

8 August 2021

Zombie hunters part 9

Having painted stuff for eight(!) challenges* this year, it's nice to just paint something for the hell of it. Meet Rihanna, Dakota, William and Neil, just chillin' in front of the abandoned convenience store. All of them are Hasslefree figures.

2 August 2021

Season of Scenery: Billboard

One great thing about this build was that I barely used any actual model paint; it was mostly done with craft paints. I have to admit that I used to look down on cheap acrylics, but for doing large bits of scenery they're excellent, especially at 55 cents a bottle rather than the usual $3.50 for a pot of Vallejo. Anyway, here we go.

30 July 2021

Season of Scenery: Barricades

Officer Neil, one of my new Hasslefree figures who'll get his own post soon, stands guard in front of barricades protecting the ruined convenience store. Rumour has it the world's last can of Coke is in there. 

28 July 2021

Making some moulds

As part of the ongoing Season of Scenery challenge, I want to make some urban barricades. They're way more suited to post-apoc/zombie games and 40k than weird eggs or fences or ruined chapels or skull rocks... well, the fences will probably work. I enjoy making the sci-fi or fantasy scenery, but I need to concentrate on one genre till I've got enough.