31 August 2021

Mean Little Zombie

Mackenzie might be a walking corpse, but she's never going to stop judging you, your clothes, your hair, your makeup and your social standing in high school. She's also never inviting you to one of her parties. 

Back in March or April I backed another RBJ Games Kickstarter, promptly forgot about it, and the other day got a pleasant surprise in the mail. The "mean little zombie" was a freebie that came with the Kickstarter mini, which is another chunky one and will be painted at some point in the future. As I can't be bothered typing "mean little zombie" over and over again, I've named her Mackenzie, which Alicia assures me is a classic American mean girl name.

As you can tell, she's a small figure and was dead easy to paint. I got her done this morning in under an hour, and that includes a coffee break. I cracked out the Dead Flesh for the first time in months (the last zombie I painted from scratch was Sarge back in October!) and did her skin first. Washes of Green and Purple tones added the manky rotten look.

Mackenzie's skirt is Dark Red washed with Red Tone and a few layers of Flat Red. Her top and socks are Ivory highlighted with Off-White, and her shoes are just Dark Grey. I couldn't face doing blonde hair so I went for red, with Cavalry Brown and highlighted it by adding Deep Yellow. As usual she's based on one of my road bases made with modelling paste.

With the Season of Scenery challenge over, not to mention all the others, it seems a bit odd to being back to painting random minis again rather than themed ones. Are there any other challenges coming up? Is Zombtober happening this year?


  1. What a corking little mini, Matt, and a terrific paint=job to boot!!! She looks terrific imho.

    1. For a freebie she's a great figure. RBJ free minis are pretty random (last year I was sent one I'd already bought from them) so to get a cool zombie is just awesome.

  2. Small, but wonderful, cracking paint-job and a good name choice too.

    1. Thanks, Joe! As my girlfriend said, Mackenzie totally suits this little zombie.

  3. Great work Matt, especially the face, has a lot ofcharacter.

    1. Cheers, Dave! I really like the way her face is sculpted, it's got an emaciated skeletal look to it that a lot of zombie minis don't have.

  4. Liking this one very much. Even in the afterlife, she's full of petulance!

    Hope there's a Zombtober - I have a bunch of Sci-fi zedheads that really need some paint.

    1. Diolch, Dai! She looks like a total monster when she was alive LOL! I'm actually out of zombies now, if Zombtober is happening I'll have to shell out on some more.

  5. Love her, she is a cracking little mini! Great paintwork too.

    I too hope Zomtober is on as i have stuff lined up.

    Cheers Roger,

    1. Thanks, Roger, she was fun (and easy) to paint and is yet another one for the horde!

  6. I think Alicia is spot-on for the name! I like this sculpt a lot as others have already said but I really like how you paint the rotting flesh. It gives your zombies a unique but fitting look!

    1. Cheers! I've been using the Dead Flesh with Green and Purple tones since I painted my first zombie three years ago. It's always worked for me, so I just keep on doing it :-)
