3 February 2022

31 January 2022

Zombie hunters part 12a

Sly and Terrell fight back-to-back to defend the record store from a horde of zombies. Once they're out of ammo they'll start beating skulls to pieces.

29 January 2022

Two new buildings!

Yesterday I turned 50, so after waking up and commiserating with myself I got on with the standard birthday stuff: doing the dishes. Yay. Then I finally got to open my pressies from Alicia, and I was a happy bunny.

26 January 2022

Jersey barriers and a Lambo

Earl, Calvin and Lazarus take shelter behind some concrete barriers and get ready to fend off the zombies heading their way. Edna is there for moral support and cats.

24 January 2022

Crimson Herald

Much like the Herald of Razmir, I'm not entirely sure what the Crimson Herald is actually heralding. Is he a proponent of deep red shades? The mascot for a daemonic Blood Bowl team? Advertising a sale at the local Evil Я Us? Whatever he is, it gave me an excuse to whip out the chapel and the door again.

21 January 2022

Random scenery

After finishing my new building I got into a bit of a scenery kick and knocked out these Reaper models over the past few days. They were relatively straightforward thanks to the magic of spray paint.

18 January 2022

New store 3: Finished!

Carol pauses between zombie kills to check out the local record store. She's miffed that the cigarette machine doesn't work, and she'd give the manager a piece of her mind if a zombie hadn't already eaten a piece of his.