9 November 2021

Mo'Vember: Dark Dwarf Pounder

I bought this bushy-bearded Reaper mini off Amazon last year, and if you're thinking "I bet he got it to get free shipping" you'd be right. At the time I didn't know Mo'Vember existed, so he's come in handy for this month's challenge. I've named him Hywel Rhysson and he's the first dwarf I've ever painted.

5 November 2021

Warhammer Undead Chariot

Way back in January I mentioned how much I wanted to make and build this chariot, and almost a year later I've finally made a start. It's just occurred to me that doing it for Zombtober would have been a good idea, but this is me we're talking about.

3 November 2021

Great Obelisk of C'thulhu

In the middle of a dark, forbidding forest, a stone obelisk has stood for as long as locals can remember. They speak of it in hushed tones and outsiders are advised to keep away from it. But some adventurous types believe there is a copy of the Necronomicon on its base, and have gone in search of the obelisk to secure the tome and its powers. The forest has quietly absorbed them.

2 November 2021

Apocalypse Me: An in-tents experience

A couple of zombies stagger past an abandoned tent on a patch of wasteground behind the inevitable convenience store. The decomposing body of its owner lies outside, oblivious to the shambling undead.

30 October 2021

Apocalypse Me: Zombie hunters part 11

Four more survivors battle a horde of zedheads by the dumpster. It's the only place they can afford to rent.

24 October 2021

Apocalypse Me: The ones that didn't make it

I saw these TTCombat corpses on Amazon in late 2018 and bought them with the same amount of thought a Kentucky meth head gives to stealing car stereos. These chaps have spent almost three years lounging around in the Magical Box of Unloved Lead, and the double whammy of Zombtober and Apocalypse Me is the perfect reason to finally get at least some of them painted.

22 October 2021

Zombtober: A quartet of corpses

Calvin gets ready to take out some zedheads who are stinking up the alley behind the convenience store.