11 October 2021

Space Wolves Terminator Librarian

Despite being ecstatically happy at getting a Terminator Captain on Ebay, I wasn't exactly happy with how much he cost. I swore off buying Oldhammer minis for a while, but that lasted all of two months when I found this classic mini selling for the astonishingly cheap price of $12 including shipping.

7 October 2021

Zombtober: Zombie Vixens

I can safely say I've never before painted so much cleavage.

5 October 2021

Ashen Claws Kill Team

Bear in mind I haven't actually bought any of the Kill Team rulebooks as they're hugely overpriced and, as the latest one's only just come out, are probably full of errors. I have been able to find basic rules and datacards online so they'll do for now.

4 October 2021


It's back to huge metal monsters today as I'm waiting on more zombies and survivors to show up in the mail for this month's double challenge of Zombtober and Apocalypse Me. So strap in and enjoy.

2 October 2021

Zombtober / Apocalypse Me: Maggie get your gun

Your eyes do not deceive you: that is indeed former British prime minister, baroness and milk snatcher Margaret Thatcher wielding a Bren gun as a small horde of former cabinet members zombies attack.

23 September 2021

Lardgulp, Two-Headed Troll

Another day, another troll, apparently. This chunky boi isn't a recent purchase; if memory serves I bought him back in 2019 and found him a few days ago in yet another box of crap. He was still in his blister pack, and apart from a slightly bent sword was in great condition.

18 September 2021

Marsh Troll

This dour chap was an impulse buy off Amazon. Sculpted by Bob Olley, I really like his air of melancholy as he trudges home through a cold and bleak marsh.