21 October 2020

Slaanesh Warband: Chaos Thugs 2

Back when I started this Slaanesh warband project I ordered all the figures off one Ebay seller, and she was kind enough to chuck in a few free ones, including two Chaos thugs. They were the first warband minis I painted and I really enjoyed them. I didn't think I'd get any more thugs until I was stupid enough to go on Ebay last month.

14 October 2020


According to the Pathfinder Wiki, sinspawn are "emaciated horrors with unnaturally long arms and legs". I didn't know that when I saw it on the rack of Reaper minis at Brookhurst Hobbies back in August, only that it looks creepy and cool. 

15 September 2020

Random Space Marines vol.5

Here we go again, this time with a Soul Drinker, a Salamander and an Iron Snake.

31 August 2020

On hiatus

With our move to New England only 11 days(!) away, I've packed away all my figures/paints/basing stuff and all the other accoutrements of the hobby. The boxes above contain all my brushes and paints along with a bunch of unpainted minis, bases, superglue and everything else I'll need to get some painting done once we're there.

22 August 2020

Zombie shark

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the display case, here's Simon the shark. Sorry, zombie shark.

Random Space Marines vol.4

Three more Marines, spanning 10,000 years of Imperial history. Guess which one's the traitor?

20 August 2020

Urban Zombies 2

I'm not sure why these are called Urban Zombies as they look like they're from the Victorian era. Whatevs. It took me a while to like these enough to buy them as I've never been a fan of zombies with weapons. But during a undead-buying spree back in February I decided to splash out on them, and for once it wasn't to get free shipping.