After two days in the mudroom the texture paint was completely dry, and better yet it had stopped stinking the place up. It was brought into the warmth of the spare room to be painted while the detail bits were drying in the garage after being sprayed with grey primer.
8 January 2022
2 January 2022
Opening a new store
Not literally, obviously. I'm terrible with budgets and maths leaves me in a cold sweat. I'm so bad at it that if you asked me to pick a number I'd probably say "X". I resat my GCSE Maths four times and got a solid D every time, so at least I'm consistently crap. If I ever actually opened a shop I'd be bankrupt by lunchtime on the first day.
31 December 2021
My top 11 of 2021
28 December 2021
'I admire its purity'
"A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. I can't lie to you about your chances... but you have my sympathies."
26 December 2021
Jakul Frosti, the First Krampus
Jakul Frosti stalks down a snow-covered street past gaily decorated houses. He knows if you've been naughty and he knows if you've been nice, but it really doesn't matter. You'll still be getting an ice sword through the abdomen if he spots you.
17 December 2021
Hazmat Team Beta
Hazmat Team Beta cautiously makes its way through a zombie-infested area in search of survivors. So far there's no sign of Team VHS.