12 July 2020

Slaanesh Warband: Daemonettes

oldhammer daemonettes slaanesh citadel

Five metal Citadel minis for the equivalent of six quid? Welcome to the 80s.

5 July 2020

Summer of Scenery: Warhammer Cottage

Photo from the original White Dwarf article. As if mine's going to look as good as this.
Dave over at Wargames Terrain Workshop has another challenge: make a piece of scenery or terrain. The challenge lasts through to the end of August, so I figured even I should be able to bang out something by then. I've chosen a project that I've wanted to make for ages and is a blast from the past: the Warhammer Fantasy Cottage, which first appeared in White Dwarf in 1990.

30 June 2020

More zombies

With all the zombie hunter posts I've been doing, I thought it was about time I posted some of the zombies they're hunting.

28 June 2020

Mister Mangel

mister mangel crooked dice miniatures

You're driving through the English countryside in the spring sunshine. A figure in a field catches your eye and you pull over for a better look. It's a scarecrow stuck in the brown earth, the sun glinting off a rusty sickle that's been jammed in the bundle of sticks that forms its left hand.

25 June 2020

Random Space Marines vol.3

void dragons death guard tiger claws space marines

Here's three more of the Emperor's finest: from left, Marines of the Void Dragons, Death Guard and Tiger Claws.

23 June 2020

Daughter of Yog-Sothoth

harwood hobbies daughter of yog sothoth lovecraft

I don't know who sculpted this mini, but they did an awesome job. It really is horrifically repulsive.

21 June 2020