4 June 2020

Girls with guns 2

My first Girls With Guns post had a bit of a theme, as all the minis were from one company (Hasslefree) and were all from its futuristic soldier line. This time we have three minis from three different companies in three different genres.

2 June 2020

30 May 2020

Cthulhu Shrine

Ever wanted a shrine to an Elder One in your living room for the low, low price of $2.99?

29 May 2020

Monster May(hem): Cloak Fiend

With teeth like that he must be British. I'll call him Derek.

23 May 2020

Random Space Marines vol.2

Another month, another trio of genetically engineered and heavily armed super soldiers. From left we have a Celestial Lion, a Flesh Tearer and a Space Shark Carcharodon.