Showing posts with label space marines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space marines. Show all posts

29 February 2020

An Ultramarine medic and a trip down memory lane

It's 1989ish. I'm in the corner of Flynn's attic flicking through the Warhammer 40,000 Compendium, one of the rulebooks for a roleplaying/tabletop war game that he's bought while Flynn gets on with painting his Blood Angels. I'm not particularly interested in playing the game but I am enjoying the batshit insane 80s artwork and the background stories.

4 February 2020

Adeptus Ratstartes

Reaper Miniatures make just about every D&D mini imaginable. They also do a range of D&D figures that are basically mice. Meet the Mouslings.

Then, one day, someone (and by "someone" I mean "some utter god/dess") at Reaper decided to take some mouslings and put them in power armour.

I bought some back in 2018 in the middle of a Horus Heresy novel binge, and the Adeptus Ratstartes were born.

1 February 2020

Sgt. Oberon

I really don't like flight stands. The flight stand is that clear plastic rod you can see disappearing into Sgt. Oberon's hip. I'll give RBJ Games — they of the free dog — credit for not sculpting the figure so the rod disappears up somewhere else.

21 January 2020

A different kind of mini

I painted this grave wraith by Reaper Miniatures in July 2018. It was the the first miniature I'd painted in 25 years, and I think I did an OK job on it.