14 October 2022

Sphere Drones

Three drones hide behind a piece of alien machinery, waiting for our intrepid heroes to come into range...

11 October 2022

Zombtober/Apocalypse Me: Zombie Matt

FINALLY I've managed to get a Zombtober and Apocalypse Me entry done. Work really does get in the bloody way of fun.

2 October 2022

Space Station Zero Mission Five: Pod 6

I'm on the Space Station Zero Reddit and Facebook groups, and Pod 6 is the mission I've heard the most about. It's supposed to be one of the toughest levels to defeat and people have reported losing crew members left, right and centre on this level, including one guy who had six of his seven crew killed. Gulp.

30 September 2022

Space Station Zero Mission Four: The Darkened Hallway

"The Darkened Hallway" is a bit of a boring name for a level. Why not Hallway of Horror? Corridor of Consternation? Passage of Pain? Wait, that last one makes it sound like the crew went out for a vindaloo last night.

28 September 2022

Vashtal and Axon

It's just occurred to me that two of the Muppets, my intrepid pirate band I use in Space Station Zero, haven't been featured on the site. So here they are!

27 September 2022

Space Station Zero Mission Three: Fabrication Bay

Mission 3 was a blinding success for the Muppets, with only one slight problem marring their victory.

26 September 2022

Swarm Drones

I needed three swarm drones for a Space Station Zero mission, and at first I looked at buying some android models from either Reaper or Etsy. But then I remembered the five Iron Golems I'd got for the price of one thanks to an Amazon seller screwing up, so I dug those out of their box and set to work...