20 August 2020

Urban Zombies 2

I'm not sure why these are called Urban Zombies as they look like they're from the Victorian era. Whatevs. It took me a while to like these enough to buy them as I've never been a fan of zombies with weapons. But during a undead-buying spree back in February I decided to splash out on them, and for once it wasn't to get free shipping. 

16 August 2020


The penanggalan is a vampire from Malaysian mythology — a vampire with a bit of a twist.

13 August 2020


Ladies and gentlemen, meet Reddit.

9 August 2020

Summer of Scenery: Warhammer Cottage 2 — I seem to have made some progress

As we all know, Rome wasn't built in a day. It would have been, only they were waiting for the undercoat to dry. And the troll to bugger off.

8 August 2020

Dreadmere Wight

I probably need to add a label for "Minis I bought to get free shipping on Amazon".

7 August 2020

Zombie hunters part 5: The kids are OK

Here we go again, with Baker, Suzi, Amoy and Finn. All are Hasslefree minis.

2 August 2020


As per usual I've decided to bestow names on these plastic people, so meet Poopy and Lanky.