8 August 2020

Dreadmere Wight

I probably need to add a label for "Minis I bought to get free shipping on Amazon".

7 August 2020

Zombie hunters part 5: The kids are OK

Here we go again, with Baker, Suzi, Amoy and Finn. All are Hasslefree minis.

2 August 2020


As per usual I've decided to bestow names on these plastic people, so meet Poopy and Lanky.

1 August 2020

Tinley, Female Wizard

Tinley wears all black all the time, listens to Disintegration* on repeat and decorates her bedroom with Sisters of Mercy posters. She really wishes she was called Isobel but her mum still calls her Tinley.

27 July 2020

Slaanesh Warband: Chaos Warriors

slambo oldhammer chaos warriors slaanesh

Chainmail. How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.

24 July 2020

Sister Hazel, Plague Nurse

Sister Hazel Plague Doctor

If anyone can think of a more apt mini to paint at this point in time, I'd love to hear it. Maybe a Plaguebearer wearing a MAGA hat?

21 July 2020

The Changed

harwood hobbies the changed

Harwood Hobbies makes four Changed figures, so today's mystery is "why did I only buy three of them?" Answers on a postcard, please.