23 September 2022

The Vurasoor

The Vurasoor are a trio of female soldiers who were once part of a special operations team fighting for the Collective, an alliance of human colony planets. After a disastrous mission in which they were betrayed by their so-called allies, they abandoned the cause, repainted their armour and now fight for themselves.

20 September 2022

Space Station Zero Mission Two: The Repair Bay

I'm treating my first game of Space Station Zero as a training exercise, not only for the seven wallies who make up my team but also for the wally in charge, i.e. me. At the end of the first mission I rolled against a table and got a four, so next up is the Repair Bay!

15 September 2022

Space Station Zero: The first game

Well this was a massacre. I need a name for my team and right now The Muppets seems apt.

14 September 2022

The Sentinels

I meant to post this about 10 days ago as my final Season of Scenery entry, but totally forgot what with the sci-fi scenery and getting into Space Station Zero. And thanks to a cock-up on my part, there are no sentinels. I just couldn't think of another title.

12 September 2022

The scenic route to a game

In a twist of irony I've been absent thanks to being busy making a ton of scenery.

29 August 2022

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The galaxy can be a lawless place, with rogues, malcontents, ne'er-do-wells and general scum lurking on every planet. And that's just the cops. Don't get me started on the civilians.

24 August 2022

Girl power

All four of these minis are by Reaper, and they're really good sculpts with lots of detail that doesn't drive you up the wall like some other manufacturers' figures *cough*Citadel*cough*.