2 January 2021

20 November 2020

Dark Elf Queen on Throne

Although I can't abide spiders, I bought this not-so-mini because it looks cool and is something different to paint. I picked it up during my last visit to Brookhurst Hobbies, about a week before we left California. I actually bought quite a few figures during that visit, but the majority of them are in storage.

18 November 2020

Argamite Explorer (and another zombie)

I bought this odd little chap as part of a bigger Reaper order back in February this year. He appealed to me for the usual "doesn't look like anything I've painted so far" reason, and I thought he'd be fun to paint. Despite this mini being sold since 2019, I can't find any painted examples of him on the interwebs, not even on Reaper's forum, and I have no idea what "Argamite" refers to. I've named him Ixlr.

10 November 2020

Lockdown Unit Challenge part 1

With my Slaanesh warband project progressing nicely and loads of time on my hands, you'd think I'd be churning out painted minis. Nope. We all have our slumps, and I'm no exception. Then Dave over at Wargame Sculptors decided to announce a Lockdown Challenge: paint a unit of troops, in any genre, and it gave me the kick in the backside I needed to hit the paints again. 

5 November 2020

Hans, Post Apocalyptic Survivor

My post-apocalyptic/zombie survivors usually come in groups of four, but Hans is such a badass that I decided to post him on his own. This decision has nothing to do with the fact that I don't have three other survivor figures right now, oh no.

24 October 2020

Zombies: Sarge

"Zombies (2)". That's Reaper's imaginative name for the pack of two minis I got at Brookhurst Hobbies back in August. As you might have guessed, there are two zombies in this pack, but I just painted one as the other has a ton of flash on it and I just couldn't be bothered. 

22 October 2020

A Vamp for Vampifan

It's always a shock to hear of someone who's blog you've been reading on and off has died, and reading the final post of Vampifan — aka Bryan Scott — is an awful experience. Bryan was a horror fan, a prolific blogger for 11 years and loved miniatures, both painting them and playing games with them.