6 July 2022

Season of Scenery: Sentry Turrets

I picked these up in the toy aisle at the Dollar Tree in Bennington for the grand total of — wait for it — $2.50. In British, that's just over two quid. Yep, these awesome turrets each cost about the same as a Snickers. Amazing. Dollar Tree has now become my happy place for buying cheap toys to use in scenery and conversions, and believe me there's more of this kind of stuff to come in future posts.

4 July 2022

Season of Scenery: Dragon Plant

I'm very glad nothing like this lives in the forest that surrounds our house. 

2 July 2022

Alien nation

Discovering what's available on Etsy must be like discovering crystal meth, only I'm pretty sure that crystal meth is cheaper and less addictive.

29 June 2022

Star Schlock: Necronauts

If there's one thing Scooby Doo taught me, it's that glowing green space skellingtons are SCARY!

28 June 2022

Star Schlock: Bystanders and Star Raiders

I saw these minis on Kickstarter a while back, but as the campaign was ending I didn't bother picking any up. I did join the Star Schlock mailing list, and a couple of weeks ago I received an email telling me the minis were available to buy on the site. I headed over there, and needless to say my ATM card took quite a kicking.

17 June 2022

Amazon War Party

Personally speaking, I'd surrender on the spot.

14 June 2022

Amazon Command Goup

These lovely ladies have spent the best part of two years in a cardboard box, so it's about time they were brought into the light and painted up.